I took this photo with a Kodak camera from the early 1900s, processed the negatives and printed photographs.

Modern cameras take higher quality images, but I like the process and mystery that comes from using old cameras.

I work in the darkroom regularly at Harvey Milk Photo Center https://www.harveymilkphotocenter.org/

From the first roll of film that I took, processed and printed.

early 2000s touring NYC with my Grandmother.

My Grandfather gave me negatives from his time in the Navy, 1950s, and I printed them in my darkroom.

That’s him around age 20. Every time an image appears in my developing tray, it’s a direct link to the moment it was taken.

Silver gelatin prints I made from negatives dating to 1915. I was given an envelope of 25 postcard-sized negatives that were found hidden in a thrift store desk. The set of negatives shows scenes from a young couple’s travels on a steamboat; context and a magazine cover in one photo helped date the set. Getting to work with a set of negatives that were a century old, and also technically and visually exceptional, and the story, is all really rich for me.

